Come as you are. We are a friendly, laid-back, INCLUSIVE bunch who love God and enjoy sharing his love with the world.

Jesus was very explicit when he said, 'Here's what love of neighbor looks like: You saw me hungry and you fed me. You saw me thirsty and you gave me drink. You saw me sick and you took care of me.' That's what love of neighbor looks like. And those neighbors, they start right next to you, right in your own hometown, but it doesn't stop there. It goes all the way to the ends of the earth.
In 1958 Olive Crest EUB Church began when Briggs and Hartford Memorial EUB Churches merged. The building was dedicated on Nov. 16th 1958. 10 years later the Evangelical United Brethren and the Methodist Church merged to form the United Methodist Church. For the past 63 years Olive Crest has dedicated itself to worship, the spiritual development and service here in North Omaha at the corner of 60th and Girard St.
Today, as in the past, the members of Olive Crest UMC strive to be disciples of Jesus, loved by God to serve the world in His name. We honor our past, hope to learn from it's experience and pray that we might keep our hearts and minds on God's will for us today and in the future.

Help support our Missions and in reaching out to all our NEIGHBORS!